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The group GMM "A Well for Life" operates in Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso. It promotes projects in the fields of education, child care, health, vocational training and agriculture.
In this section you can find out about our activities and support group initiatives.
In addition to our News you will find publications related to our history and the magazine 'A Well for Life'.

“Gaudete in Domino - Rejoice in the Lord always... the Lord is at hand" (Phil 4: 4, 5)

The Christmas copy of the GMM magazine is being distributed. We anticipate here Balbo's letter to the GMM benefactors.

180 euros a year, less than 50 cents a day, you can sponsor a child, a teen or a student, granting them support and education.

Here we are online with the new GMM website "A Well for Life", completely redesigned in terms of graphics and content organisation.

“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (Jn 3:16)

We are distributing the Easter magazine "A well for life", the periodical of the Missionary Group Merano. Here, in advance, we present the Easter letter from Alpidio Balbo to the GMM supporters (in italian).

180 euros a year, less than 50 cents a day, you can sponsor a child, a teen or a student, granting them support and education.

“To you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord” (Lk 2:11)

The Christmas copy of the GMM magazine is being distributed. We anticipate here Balbo's letter to the GMM benefactors.

Les cours ont commencé dans la nouvelle école primaire construite à Firou, un village de la région de l'Atacora au Bénin, par le GMM, en collaboration avec la Caritas du diocèse de Natitingou, grâce également à une contribution des fonds du 8 pour mille attribués par le Service pour les interventions caritatives en faveur du Tiers Monde de la Conférence Épiscopale Italienne.

165 euros a year, less than 50 cents a day, you can sponsor a child, a teen or a student, granting them support and education.

“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen” (Lk 24, 5-6).

We are distributing the Easter magazine "A well for life", the periodical of the Missionary Group Merano. Here, in advance, we present the Easter letter from Alpidio Balbo to the GMM supporters (in italian).

“This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger” (Lk 2, 12)

The Christmas copy of the GMM magazine is being distributed. We anticipate here Balbo's letter to the GMM benefactors.

Sono passati dieci anni dall’inaugurazione dell’ospedale “St. Padre Pio” di N’dali, nel Nord del Benin. La costruzione dell’opera era stata sostenuta dal GMM “Un pozzo per la vita” grazie all'importante donazione di una benefattrice veneziana. L’anniversario dell’inaugurazione, avvenuta nel settembre del 2012, viene ricordato dal vescovo di N’dali, mons. Martin Adjou, in una lettera che ci ha inviato.