Help us
Money offering, donations, but also giving your free time: you can help us and support our action in many different ways. In this section you can discover some of them.

Every help is precious, even the smallest. Your money offerings may be aimed at a specific target, or to the general action of GMM, that will choose the destination according to the current priorities.

180 euros a year, 50 cents a day, you can sponsor a child, a teen or a student, granting them support and education.

Italian tax law allows people to give the 5‰ to NGOs and non-profitmaking associations, like Merano Missionary Group.
Making one’s will is an important and responsible act. Devising something to Merano Missionary Group “A well for life” is a loving act for the future.

You can help us not only by offering, but also by donating your time to increase awareness about our actions among your friends and family, on your work place and in the neighborhood.