Supported organizations

Nutrition centres, schools and vocational training centres, dispensaries and hospitals: thanks to the child sponsorship donations, GMM’s benefactors support many initiatives mainly in favor of the youngest. You may find their brief descriptions here following.

House of Hope – Cotonou
The House of Hope (“Maison de l'Esperance”) is in Cotonou, in the Hindé neighborhood, near the Dantokpa Grand Marché. The House, built by the Salesian Sisters, is attended by approximatey 80 gurls (and some boys too) who are given here the possibility to learn a job and prepare to enter the job market. The ouse helds cooking, pastry making, bakery and soap making courses, but also literacy and civic education courses, and recreation. The House has some dormitories that shelter the youngest and most vulnerable girls, protecting them during the night.

Foyer Laura Vicuña – Cotonou
The "Foyer Laura Vicuña" is in the Zogbo nighborhood, in Cotonou, the economic capital of Benin. It is a shelter and training centre for girls who have been victims of child trafficking ("vidomègon"). Here the Salesian Sisters shelter approximately 55 girls from 6 to 17 years old, who are taken care of while waiting for family reinsertion. (

SOS Vidomegon Dantokpa – Cotonou
The "SOS Vidomegon" centre is at the Dantokpa Grand Marché, in Cotonou. It is a day-care and training centre girls working at the street market, who are given the possibility to attend courses when they are allowed to take a break from selling at the street market.

Centre de Formation Feminine Sociale – Bohicon
The "Centre de Formation Feminine Sociale" is in Bohicon, in the South of Benin. It shelters and trains approximately 200 girls and young women from 4 to 20 years old.

Centre de Santé Selome – Bohicon
The Bohicon “Centre de Santé Selome” is a pediatric health centre where children and teens are granted heath cares that they would never be given anywhere else.

Centre de Santé Saint Camille de Davougon – Abomey
The "Centre de Santé Saint Camille” is in Davougon, near Abomey (Southern Benin). It is specialized in the treatment of skin diseases (leper, Buruli ulcer) and AIDS. Nonetheless more than 40.000 patients affected by any different diseases attend the centre every year. The St. Camile offers also pediatric and nutrition services aimed at tens of mothers and children every day.

Centre de Formation Feminine “Sainte Therese” – Parakou
The Girls’ Vocational Centre “Sainte Therese” is in Parakou, in the Borgou region, Northern Benin. The Sisters take care of the training of 25 to 35 girls from 5 to 16 years old.

Petit Centre d’Accueil “Yvette” - Bouarou
The Petit Centre d’Accueil Yvette is in Bouarou, near Parakou, Northern Benin. It gives shelter and assistance to a dozen of children up to 12 years old, coming from the surrounding villages, who can thus attend the local school and be helped with their study.

Centre “Notre Dame du Refuge” - Komiguea
The “Notre Dame du Refuge” centre is in Komiguea, near Parakou, Northern Benin. Operators welcome and give assistance to under aged children from very young ages. The centre hosts approximately 15 children who attend the village school.

Orphanage "Sainte Therésé de l'Enfant-Jésus" - Tchatchou
The orphanage is in Tchatchou, in the Borgou region, Northern Benin. The “Petites servantes des pauvres” Sisters welcome, host and feed approximately 30 orphans or abandoned children up to 6 years old.

Hosting House "St. Teresa" - Tchaourou
The House hosts about 50 girls from 5 to 18 years old, orphans, abandoned, or escaper to an arranged marriage. The girls attend the village schools, at bouur 50km from Parakou, and are followed by the "Oblates chatéchistes petites servantes des pauvres" nuns in their educational training.
Centre “Sainte Marie” de Wénou – N'Dali diocese
The «Centre St. Marie de Wénou» is in Wénou o Ouenou, near N’Dali, Northern Benin. Father Pio’s Franciscan Sisters run a boarding school, a nutrition centre, a kindergarden and a primary school. They host approximately 65 kids from 3 to 16 years old.

“Sainte Marie” dispensary - Fo Bouré
The “Sainte Marie” dispensary is in Fo Bouré, in the Borgou region, Northern Benin.
The sisters welcome and feed children and teens up to 15 years old, and carry out health education programs in the villages. The Centre hosts approximately 20 children (with their mothers).

Centre de Formation Feminine Sociale “Yenu Geo” – Bemberekè
The “Yenu Geo” (“The good house” in Bariba language) in Bemberekè, Northern Benin, N'Dali diocese, holds vocational training courses (sewing, weaving, herbal medicine) to approximately 80 girls. Some years ago the “Maria Adelaide” school complex, with a kindergarten, has been opened, and is now attended to by 120 internal students (they are hosted in the Centre) and 100 external students. The primary school is currently under construction.

Peulh Mission - Bagou
At Peulh Mission in Bagou (Gogonou, Alibori, Northern Benin) there are a shelter house for abandoned children and a boarding school for teens. They hold approximately 55 children and teens up to 15 years old.

The children of Father Jacques - Kandi
Father Jacques JulliFrench missionary of the African Missions Society (SMA) in Benin since 1966. among the rest, he takes care of boys and girls in trouble. some of there syoun people have been victim of persecutions by secret animist societies, because they converted to Catholicism.

Orphanage “des Saints Innocents” – Natitingou
The orphanage “des Saints Innocents” is in Natitingou, Northern Benin. It is a shelter and nutrition centre for approximately 120 children and teens from 0 to 18 years old.

Boarding primary school “Marie-Adèle” – Kossou
The “Ecole primaire catholique Marie-Adèle" in Koussou (Atacora, Northern Benin), s a boarding primary school for approximately 55 kids from 4 to 15 years old. The school complex is 35 km far from Natitngou city. Is composed by a boarding house that hosts students from the farthest villages, and the school that is attended by tens of students. The request to build this centre originated from the local population, and has been supported by the parson and a parish committee who run the school complex, with the help of the Natitingou diocese committee for development.

“St. Pierre” Seminary – Natitingou
The “St. Pierre” Seminary in Ourbona, near Natitingou (Atacora, Northern Benin), is a minor Seminary that provides junior high and high education to approximately 90 kids from 12 and 18 years old.

Kekeli Neva Insitute for blind– Togoville
The “Kekeli Neva" (“Come the light”) Institute is in Togoville, in the South of Togo. It is an institute for blind children who are given here basic education and carry out handcraft and agricultural works. It hosts approximately 70 children and young adults, from 5 and 25 years old. It has been founded by a Combonian missionary coming from Trentino region, who was blind himself.